Saturday, September 24, 2011

A young oak in my garden last winter.
[2] A Letter to Elaine at

I agree with every pessimist concerning world finances and economy at this time starting with myself and going all the way to the edge of the horizon. On the other hand, I wonder if the fall from grace by liberal neo-capitalism and its eternal growth philosophy does not also signal the arrival of the age of shrink the overweight down to an affordable size.

I suppose everyone's thinking cap hides one's own favorite recepe for downsizing. Mine is as follows (I live in Latvia):

1. Rent out the capital city Riga to the Chinese, thus giving them a major port and airport in Europe whence to give globalization another significant leg forward. This step will also prevent the Latvians from being overly worried by a reoccupation of their country by Russia.

2. Since the demographics of Latvia (due to the country's leaders listening to and taking the advice of the 'Harvard boys' in the early 1990s) will reduce the population in the next ten years from the present 1.9 million to 1.2 million, a large part of the rest of Latvia (all of its east and north parts) can be let go fallow and return to forests.

3. Have Greenpeace and other "greeņ" orgs do studies of how to have urban people return to life in the forest. After all, one need meet in the city no more than twice every two weeks, while communications via computer can readily transmit signals over treetops.

4. Turn cities into high science and birthing centers via bringing cloning to humans, which will at last eliminate the greedy beast known as the 'family' and have society return to the household as its basic unit of society. Indeed, this was the basic social unit among proto-Latvians in the age of Livonia.

5. While my plan may seem "fantastic" to some (admittedly it needs a lot of adjusting), the forests will give the deforested parts of the country protection (a blanket) from the ice age expected to arrive with the next eruption of the gigantic calderas at Yellowstone and elsewhere by Elaine Suplis, the originator of “emsnews”.

6. Euthanasia or 'easy death' will be legalized at all urban centers of the world and help accelerate the end of chaos about to errupt. Human rights groups will oversee that human rights are respected and observed.
Pine trees will again grow for 350 years and oak trees will again grow to become giants.

It will be interesting for future historians to note that the reforestation of our planet began with people cast aside by the high and mighty of our day. This post from

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