[7] Darkness As Seen Through Tiresias’ Eyes (4)
An apple tree axed and murdered. |
The fantasy of infinity begins at home. Elaine Meinel, daughter of a famed astronomer http://www.osa.org/About_Osa/Newsroom/Obituaries/AdenMeinel.aspx , reflects on the obsessions of her father and the influence of the Zeitgeist of our times on him and us, writes: “Watching these elites struggle with the banking/trade mess which they carefully cultivated and grew is amazing. That is, their desire for infinity has destroyed the entire system of commerce and trade which is now tremendously out of balance and out of kilter with reality and is now in full self-destruct mode. The system is desperately trying to reset itself backwards from infinity and they are all trying desperately to push it back into the ‘grow to infinity’ mode.” –Elaine Supkis http://emsnews.wordpress.com/2011/10/06/nobel-prize-astronomers-save-the-world-from-the-great-attractor/#more-12949
And inevitably ‘they’ will fail, because a recalibration of the system or, failing that, a system’s failure—a burning out of all bearings—is what awaits our Deux ex mahina or matrix as we speak. That is how this writer sees the times ahead. Latvian are not excluded from this inevitability.s
Another angle of the apple tree corpse. |
The Latvian politicians have been on their own “infinity” train for a very long time. What is so interesting about the political infinity of Latvian politicians is that their infinity does not have a straight line (some folks do), but goes off in all directions at once.
The vehicle of this penumbra of infinite conceit, a kind of shadow that embraces the entire globe of being, begins with the “democratic majority of Latvians” engaged in repressing all things populist. Among the repressed are not only dissenting Latvians (the alleged minority), the Latvian poor, all recent Latvian emigrants, Latvians who do not speak Latvian, and a myriad of other unmentionables. Actually 99% of Latvians are among the repressed. You guessed right if you understant that the “democratic majority” consists of but 1%.
While it is not possible to identify all the elements that go into making the 1% of elites, it is quite possiblel to name the Zugspitze or as Latvians are wont to call, the Rockets or Motors.
The face of the perpetrator and murdered. |
The first Zug (puller of the rope of infinite growth) is of course President Andris Berzins. While his vision for Latvia is as obscure to Latvians as to himself, he is suspect of being a lobbyist for Swedish banks. The suspicion comes as a result of Berzins being a retired bank president of a Swedish affiliate.
The second Zug is Valdis Dombrovskis, the Latvian Prime Minister. He is said to have co-authored a book notoriously propagandistic in favor of banks. The actual author of the book http://books.google.com/books/about/How_Latvia_Came_Through_the_Financial_Cr.html?id=D-b6Zyhd2JEC is a Swedish liberal neo-capitalist by the name of Anders Aslund. When all is said and done, Dombrovskis is a sheep with Swedish wool over his eyes.
The third Zug is former President of Latvia, Valdis Zatlers, who is at the time of this writing trying to form a the next political coalition that runs the Latvian government. While Zatlers is a renown anti-populist and elitist (his professional life was that of a surgeon), he cannot be associated with any Swedish bank. Nevertheless, his financial advisor, Vjaceslav Dombrovskis http://www.baltic-course.com/eng/analytics/?doc=43882 an exponent of liberal neo-capitalist infinite growth philosophy.
The fourth Zug is the Latvian Minister of Finance, Andris Vilks http://www.mk.gov.lv/en/mk/sastavs/vilks/ , has a decade long work record for the Swedish SEB bank http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skandinaviska_Enskilda_Banken . One can not not suspect him of being a Swedish mole in Latvian government.
The fifth Zug is the President of the Latvian Bank, Ilmars Rimsevics http://i2.ytimg.com/vi/N5Cn-V-QLM8/0.jpg [BA, economics (Riga), MBA (Clarkson)]. His bio is illusive, not to say missing from the internet. He is known for his liberal neo-economist views, which includes infinite optimism and growth by way of the squirrel wheel for ever.
The Perpetrator caught with his Thing showing. |
Needless to say, most of the oligarchs of Latvia are on the squirrel wheels made in Scandinavia and have little sense of what is good for Latvia (as a community that needs much healing and a plan for economic development) for the long term. Growth, infinite growth, is—so it seems—everyone’s favourite motto, including the populists’. How else could it be? All of Latvia ’s poor (=99%) cannot but demand betterment of their dire economic condition. As it is, they are forced to cut down Latvia ’s forests at the behest of Swedish banks.
What is the alternative?
Please, trees, do not do this to me! |
The answer is, of course, creative thinking. However, not the kind of creative thinking that goes with cutting decorative flowers, but the kind that identifies with those at the bottom of the barrel, but with a will to live at almost any price. The ‘almost’ time is here for the Latvians.
Latvians must do what the desperate but determined to live must do: Do the unpopular, the dismissed, the unacceptable (never re-examined), all those jobs that are most unpopular, like undertaker, temple keepers of unpopular gods, those who collect, then hide excrement that others shit.
What the populists are in need of doing to resurrect themselves as the 99% that they are, is to enter in league with the forests. No more cutting of Latvian trees by Latvian populists.
How is this to be done?
Too late to cover up the shame. For more click http://melnaysjanis.blogspot.com/ |
Before I write more, here is what is happening in America that surely finds an echo in Latvia . See what you think what applies: http://www.alternet.org/story/152651/11_facts_you_need_to_know_about_the_nation%E2%80%99s_biggest_banks?akid=7680.171186.obV8Ui&rd=1&t=18
(With photos at http://rigacapital.blogspot.com/ To be continued… )
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